داستان آبیدیک

selfobject experience


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: تجربه خود شیء

When viewed as a dimension of experience, a selfobject experience has the affective quality of vitalization. The paper concludes with an application of the theory of selfobject experience to pathological states, especially those involving addiction. At the same time I shall explore the developments in self psychology that have led us to concentrate more on the concept of a selfobject experience. Because of their importance to an understanding of adaptive and maladaptive self- experiences, I shall evaluate both selfobject and selfobject experience as designators of significant developmental and clinical entities. Self psychologists have also spoken of a negative selfobject or a negative selfobject experience to refer to occasions "when the selfobject is experienced as responding faultily with corresponding loss of the patient's self cohesion and feeling of well being" (Wolf, 1990, personal communication).

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